If you’re like me, you might feel unproductive or worthless when hit with a period of artist’s block. It can be very frustrating, but it will pass, and every artist gets it at some point. To keep yourself busy and possibly inspire an idea, here is a list of 25 things to do when you have artist’s block.

  1. Make a collage of pictures from magazines (bonus if you have a color palette you stick to).
  2. Buy yourself new art supplies. Even if it’s just a new pen, you might be inspired to create something with it.
  3. Bake something you like. It’s easy and doesn’t require creativity to follow instructions- also, you get something out of it at the end!
  4. Build a house or other structure out of craft supplies (popsicle sticks, pasta, pipe cleaners, etc.)
  5. Take a walk down your street. Notice colors, noises, and smells, and use them to gather inspiration.
  6. Watch speed paints by other artists. They almost always inspire me to go out and create something.
  7. Browse other artists’ work on social media or in real life at a local art gallery.
  8. Keep yourself busy by creating a bucket list or list of goals (especially ones you want to achieve as an artist) . Try to complete at least one.
  9. Take some time to listen to music you like, not doing anything else. Music can be very inspiring and may help you feel less frustrated.
  10. Try to find a hobby other than art. Practice this hobby if you already have one.
  11. De-clutter your workspace. This is very important as it can eliminate stress and make you feel productive.
  12. Look through the pictures on your phone or in a photo book, it might inspire an idea for a creation.
  13. Try your hand at word lettering or calligraphy. Pick a quote you like and get to work!
  14. Get yourself something you can take care of, like a pet or a houseplant. They will definitely keep you busy, I know from experience, and can help you if you feel worthless.
  15. Try art challenges, or this website– it has a lot of art prompts for you to try.
  16. Try a different media. If you usually stick to shading, try watercolor, oil pastels, or acrylic, and vice versa. You might discover that you really like it.
  17. Switch up your style. Try zentangling, try realism, try abstract, try a mix of different styles. You may discover you have a knack for something you never do.
  18. Stretch, do yoga, meditate, or do any other activity to get your body active. It doesn’t have to be strenuous- even just changing your sleeping position or laying upside down can help. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and nutrition.
  19. Do something that requires zero creativity or thought for a while to recharge. Some example include reading a good book, watching a TV show, painting your nails, browsing through a shop, play a virtual card game, etc.
  20. Color or do a puzzle. It can be a dot-to-dot, maze, word search, crossword, or an puzzle you put together, whatever works for you.
  21. Talk to, text, or skype a friend.
  22. Light a candle. I’m not sure why, but this always helps get my creative juices flowing.
  23. Take a shower. It’s refreshing, and  some of my best ideas have come to me there.
  24. Make sure you’re hydrated, it can be helpful to take a break and just drink a nice cup of tea, coffee, water, or any beverage that you like.
  25. Try a drawing exercise, or ask a friend for an ‘assignment’. Just draw something, even if you are not in the mood, feel like you can’t, or are afraid of messing up. It’s okay to absolutely hate it at the end.

 Artist’s Block is very frustrating, and will happen to all artists many times in their lives. It’s okay to take a break. Just keep trying to push through, and eventually, you will get your creativity back. Keep Creating!

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